Welcome to the page of Massimiliano "mascanc" Masi

History of this Site

The MasCanc.NET story, May 20, 2018

Back in 1993, MasCanc (Massi + Cance) decided with some friends (Vieri, Sergio) to build a Bullettin Board System on a Compaq 386sx 25 Mhz running RedHat 5.2. The BBS joined Fidonet (2:332/136, 2:550/33, 2:2/33), and other netwoks (Toscanet, Cybernet, PNet). After the Italian Crackdown the BBS morphed into a hosting service. It started with a Maximus-based BBS software, backed by BinkD and Ifmail fidonet gateway, with a fully INN&TIN distribution of echomails.

Around the end of the century, with "modern" linux distributions (we loved Debian and Gentoo), the BBS started to be connected to the internet through an ADSL 640 mbps 24/7. With a very simple php page, subscribers were able to register and populate its home directory with its own instance of MySQL, an url as "<username>" or "www.<username>". Users started testing and housing its own wordpress, joomla, or drupal website. The BBS/Hosting ran for two-three years then the hard disk broke (it was a Pentium IV). After the event, all the services has not been renewed: we grown up and studies ate our time.

A story of that time is available here (masi.mp4) a Sudoroom event.

Some publications and conferences

I occasionally write papers and have speech to conferences, mostly about Cybersecurity. I update them in my CV. I am a reviewer for some journals. The ones that I find more relevant are the follows.
  • H. M. Caçote, M. Masi, Using the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) at the LHC GRID, published in the (internal) CERN Bulletin, available only to CERN subscribers (I'm not a subscriber since 2006). Here I tackle the introduction of Intel's IPMI to the CERN computer center. Slides
  • M. Masi, M. Meoni, Using Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) profiles for an healthcare DataGRID based on AliEn in EMMIT 2008, Tripoli, Libya (PDF will be available). AliEn (Alice Environment) was the first working Data Grid available for public use. Here we analyzed it as data storage for IHE XDS.
  • A. Mancini, M. Masi, OpenAFS and SAML through the web: is it a good idea?, in Open AFS 2009, Rome, Italy. We presented a position paper on how to give access to AFS shares using Kerberos and SAML. The slides are available as PDF
  • Massimiliano Masi, Giovanni Paolo Sellitto, Helder Aranha, Tanja Pavleska: Securing critical infrastructures with a cybersecurity digital twin. Softw. Syst. Model. 22(2): 689-707 (2023)
  • Andrea Margheri, Massimiliano Masi, Abdallah Miladi, Vladimiro Sassone, Jason Rosenzweig: Decentralised provenance for healthcare data. Int. J. Medical Informatics 141: 104197 (2020)
  • Andrea Margheri, Massimiliano Masi, Rosario Pugliese, Francesco Tiezzi: A Rigorous Framework for Specification, Analysis and Enforcement of Access Control Policies. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 45(1): 2-33 (2019)
DBLP page and Scholar.

Who am I

Born in 1978. I have more than 14 years of experience in IT Security, a Ph.D. in Formal Methods applied to Computer Science, and a M.Sc. in Numerical Analysis. I have been involved as technology lead in projects in Europe, Africa, in the United States, and expert for the EU Commission. My actual fields are Intelligent Transport System and OT Cybersecurity. I am an active contributor of European Large Scale Pilots, both in development (in Java) and as IT Architect. I am ITIL and ISO 27000 certified. You can download my full CV. I mostly maintain only my LinkedIn profile and Facebook accounts. You can always drop me a mail.